Concept Art Illustrazione Digitale

ROI Event
Researcher Of Ideas

28 – 29 – 30th June 2024


What is ROI Event?


It is an educational event dedicated to the world of Concept Art and Digital Illustration.
It’s open to everyone: students, beginners, professionals and enthusiasts of any level.

There are no special requirements to attend, and the event is organised as to allow everybody
to take part in all of the activities without skill limitations.

It is not a fair, you can’t buy your favourite gadget and, above all, you don’t have to queue for a long time.

ROI is a new experience for everyone.

It was born as a project by Genius, Academy of Visual Arts, pioneers in this field since 2012.

Currently based in Italy, ROI is a one of a kind annual event,
where you can attend classes taught by world-class professionals and take part in art-related activities.

Our aim at Genius Academy is to instill new life into the field of Concept Art and Digital Illustration in Italy.



9 Artists leading ROI

Jama Jurabaev

Henry Wong

Even Amundsen

Matteo Piana

Axel Sauerwald

Victor Maury

Mathias Osland

Darek Zabrocki

Lucile Meunier

Inspirational. Unique. Brilliant.

3 days full of activities

(*) Traditional Painting and Maquette Sculpting are free activities, subject to availability. The chosen activity will be available the entire day, running at the same time as the other activities. The necessary equipment will be provided by us.

(**) Figure Drawing is available each day during the scheduled times. The necessary equipment will not be provided by us. You are advised to bring your Tablet, Sketchbook and any drawing tools you may need.

Golden ROI Contest 2024



What is Golden ROI?


The second edition of the Contest will be realised in partnership with Wacom.

There will be 3 winners who will be invited to the ROI Awards 2024 ceremony. 

Each winner will get a free pass to all 3 days of ROI, in addition to the other prizes.


Supported by

Spazio Novecento:
Versatile. Multi-purpose. Gigantic.


The Venue


A coworking space? An exhibition booth? A theatre?

No, none of that. We have chosen a comfortable, spacious, intimate, but most importantly multi-purpose venue.

Just inside the Palace of Ancient Arts, born over 70 years ago at the World Expo held in Rome, lies Spazio Novecento, with its 1000 sqm of versatility and elegance.

Right at the heart of EUR, one of the most modern neighborhoods of the Capital, Spazio Novecento is well connected to the public transport network, rich in pubs and restaurants, close to the city centre.

A prestigious venue, where space, art and culture become one.


ROI recommends this travel kit


We provide


How much is the Pass?

(*) Both lunch and dinner can be purchased individually for 1, 2 or 3 days. You can add them in the registration form.

(**) Early Birds, Educational and Pro Passes are subject to availability.

(***) No Promotions are available for Pro Passes. Seats are assigned in the first two front rows.
Portfolio Reviews will take place in the Backstage, for 3 consecutive days. Once a day, at the time as scheduled and with 3 artists per day.

With the purchase of the Pass, Maquette Sculpting, Traditional Painting and Figure Drawing activities are free access without reservation. You will find dedicated areas.

Registration open.

Days to ROI:








Bring your Helmet & Enjoy!


Interactive Displays, Computers and Graphic Tablets

Social Media Partners


Genius Academy ®
Piazza Sabaudia 43, 00171 – Roma
© 2023 – All rights reserved.